Successful Student Metrics

What does it take for a school to be successful? In order to answer this question, we need to define success. For this discussion, success will be defined by two key measures: 1) student engagement, and 2) successful program completion. Engagement is how well a student moves through the program towards completion. Successful completion is how many students complete the program compared to the number that started the program. With both metrics we will investigate to understand the internal factors that drive students forward through each course, and ultimately towards program completion. 

Program completion is essential as it allows students to maximize their learning and improve their lifestyle and earning potential. If we, as administrators and leaders, are not successful, then students pay the price by leaving school without a credential and student loan debt. Engagement should be measured at the student and faculty level. Reports should tell us the progress rate of students in the course, and the distribution of success. By drilling down into the data, you will be able to see where students are struggling and/or succeeding. With this information, lectures and learning sources can be adjusted. Additionally, faculty can measure assignment success in a manner that proves course success trends. This data will allow the faculty to adjust their lecture material and allow for more engaging student meetings and interactions, thus improving the student success. 

Successful program completion is solely focused on the number of students that complete the program compared to the number of students that started. To understand program completion, you must first have quality analytics to understand student program progression rates and course success rates in order to determine the path towards successful program completion. Personal student intervention plans can be created for each student to maximize connection to the program to increase the opportunity for completion. With the program foundation validated then the program success rates can be determined. This is an overall metric that looks at eligible students and if they completed the program. We want completion rates to be as high as possible as it will define student success and place students in a position to make a difference in their life.

Having more successful graduates will reduce the number of students with no degree or certification and with student loan debt. Each educational institution can measure student progress and have focused intervention strategies to improve the number of successful program completions. These measures will vastly improve student engagement and success, thus propelling students into a successful post graduate experience.


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