The CBE-DEI Intersection

Competency-based education (CBE) has gained significant attention in recent years as an innovative approach to teaching and learning. Unlike traditional education models that rely on fixed timeframes, CBE focuses on mastering specific skills and knowledge at one's own pace. As educational institutions increasingly adopt CBE and innovate their own CBE Programs it is crucial to explore its intersection with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) to ensure that all students, regardless of background, have equal opportunities for success.

Competency-Based Education: A Brief Overview

Competency-based education is an instructional approach that prioritizes the demonstration of skills and knowledge rather than time spent in a classroom. In CBE, students progress upon mastering a set of competencies, allowing for a more personalized and flexible learning experience (Sitzmann, Ely, Brown, & Bauer, 2010). This shift from a time-based to a competency-based approach has the potential to address some of the persistent challenges in education, including achievement gaps and unequal access to opportunities.

Diversity in Competency-Based Education

One of the strengths of CBE lies in its ability to accommodate diverse learning styles and backgrounds. In a competency-based framework, students can progress at their own pace, enabling those with different learning needs to thrive. This approach acknowledges that individuals bring unique strengths and experiences to the learning environment (Shea, Hayes, & Vickers, 2018). Therefore, by fostering a diverse range of competencies, CBE promotes inclusivity and accommodates various ways of acquiring and demonstrating knowledge.

Equity and Inclusion in Competency-Based Education

Equity in education refers to providing all students with the resources and support they need to succeed. CBE, by design, offers a pathway to greater equity by allowing students to advance when they have mastered the material, rather than being held back by a fixed schedule. This can be particularly beneficial for learners who may need additional time or support to grasp certain concepts, as it prevents them from falling behind (Glover & Latif, 2013).

Competency-based assessments can be designed to be culturally responsive, ensuring that evaluation criteria are fair and relevant to a diverse student population (Lopez, 2017). By incorporating diverse perspectives into the curriculum and assessment methods, CBE promotes a more inclusive educational environment.

CBNext can help you develop new CBE Programs or even re-imagine your existing programs into a CBE model that takes DEI into consideration as the project develops. This enables our partners to confidently innovate forward knowing that their product will serve all students.


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Forecasting within CBE